tisdag 1 april 2014

Movie: Killing Toon (더 웹툰: 예고살인)

Killer Toon was a unexpected cinema hit in Korea last year, with its theme of horror and web-comics going well across the Korean public. And the use of animation and storytelling to blur the line between real and fantasy is used quite well. I am easily scared but prefer psychological fear before too much blood and in that sense Killer Toon also fulfill my wishes. Several reviews I have read like the movie but thinks it slows down tomuch in the middle, but I dont agree at all, as I think the mood and slight terror is trasnlated quite well from the start to the end. It is not a masterpiece, but it delivers surely if you want a enjoyable scare. At the moment of writing, you could find the whole movie on YouTube here. More reviews here.

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